Program Timeline

Program Timeline of Developments

1970 - 1990:  Fostering Human Resources to Be a Bridge between Japan and the U.S.

Deepening relationships between Japan and the United States by promoting an exchange of ideas amongst business partners in the Asia-Pacific region through internationalization.

◆ AMP (American Management Program): Improve English proficiency and learn about international management
◆ JMP (Japan Management Program): Acquire Japanese language skills and learn about Japanese management

1990 - 2000:  Developing Global Leaders to Understand Cross-Cultural Significance

Contributing to the development of the Asia-Pacific region through nurturing global leaders, in preparation for changes in the era when complex multilateral economic activities are developed and interdependence increases.

◆ ICMP (Intercultural Management Program): Improve English proficiency and learn about cross-cultural management

◆ JEMBA (Japan-focused MBA Program): MBA program to study Japanese management tied up with UH Manoa

◆ CHEMBA (China-focused MBA Program): MBA program to study Chinese management tied up with UH Manoa

2000 - Present:  Cultivating Innovative Global Leaders

Contributing to the development of the human resources and formation of a community through knowledge co-creation in the Asia-Pacific region.

◆ EWKLP (East-West Knowledge Leaders Program): A three-month program to train next generation business leaders who can create new innovation by learning business best practices and general education of East and West
GLIK (Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge): An international management program based on the vision of Dr. Ikujiro Nonaka (Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University), the global authority in knowledge creation theory. The goal of the program is to nurture innovative leaders armed with a global perspective and local knowledge, so that they can create a virtuous future of their own accord. The participants study for 3.5 months in Japan, the U.S. (Hawaii), Singapore, and Thailand